Fairway Solitaire Wiki

Sun Glare (or Sunburst) is the fourth hazard present in the game. It first appears in Course 25 (Daylight Crest).

How to Clear[]


A GIF of how to clear the Sun Glare Hazard. Taken from the Fairway Solitaire help page (fairwaysolitaire.zendesk.com). I do not own this image.

On a hole with Sun Glare hazard, there are special cards with a shine animation. When turned over, the Sun Card will shine brightly and will lock the cards next to it, making them unable to access. However, the Sun Card still behaves like a normal card. When the Sun Card is cleared off the board, the locked cards are unlocked again, making them playable. Sun Glare cards will not appear in the Draw Pile.


  • If the Sun Card does not cover many cards, avoid clearing the card above it until you have cleared the cards around the Sun Card. This will result the Sun Card being less of a hassle as it does not lock several cards.
  • If the Sun Card is locking cards and you do not find a card that can clear it in your draw pile after 3 to 5 times, you can use an Iron to clear the card "manually" and unlock the cards. You can also use a Preview to see if you can play that card- if you cannot, use an Iron.


  • While in the game it is called "Sun Glare", the Fairway Solitaire help site (fairwaysolitaire.zendesk.com) titles it as "Sunburst".