Fairway Solitaire Wiki

Rain is the seventh and final hazard present in the game. It first appears in Course 74 (Cloudburst Cliffs).

How to Clear[]


A GIF of how to clear the Rain Hazard. Taken from the Fairway Solitaire help page (fairwaysolitaire.zendesk.com). I do not own this image.

On a hole with the Rain hazard, you will find Cloud (or Cloudy) Cards and a Rain Umbrella. There will also be a "Rains In" counter at the top. To clear the hazard, find the Rain Umbrella and play it before you play too much Cloud Cards- each Cloud Card you play will reduce the Rains In counter by 1. When the Rains In counter reaches 0 (meaning you have played too many Cloud Cards), 4-6 Water Cards will rain down onto the course, often covering other cards. On a hole also with the Water Hazard, these newly rained-down Water Cards also count towards the hazard, causing even more trouble for you. If you play the Rain Umbrella fast enough, the "Rains In" counter will disappear and the Cloud Cards are converted into normal cards.


  • You don't have to ignore the Cloud Cards completely- you can use them occasionally if they can help you find the Rain Umbrella.
  • You can use a Mulligan after playing the Rain Umbrella- the Rain Hazard will still be cleared. This is good if the Rain Umbrella is in a poor position and there is a better move you could make.
  • On some holes, if the Rain Umbrella is in a very difficult position (ex. behind 6 cards), it could be best to play the Cloud Cards and let Water Cards rain down. Having a few extra cards is better than sacrificing good moves and Irons to reach the Rain Umbrella in some circumstances.


  • Every time you play a Cloud Card, the background will become darker and darker to suggest Rain clouds are coming. The noise of the cards will become deeper and deeper as you play a rain card. If the Rain comes down, the background will be raining.