An image of the Mulligan power up. Taken from the Fairway Solitaire help page (fairwaysolitaire.zendesk.com). I do not own this image.
Mulligans are a type of power-up. Each one costs 800 GB to purchase. They can be used to replay a card, which can be useful if you missed a card or want to try another play. You get one free mulligan per hole, and then the mulligans you purchased. When beginning the game, you will start with 9 mulligans.
Note that you cannot use two mulligans in a row, one after another.
Tips and Tricks using Mulligans[]
- When choosing between two cards to remove, you can use a Mulligan to decide. If you try one card and the card underneath it is undesirable, you can use a Mulligan to undo the play and try the other card.