Fairway Solitaire Wiki

Irons (or Clubs) are a type of boost in Fairway Solitaire.

How to Use[]



An image of how Irons can be used. Taken from the Fairway Solitaire help page (www.fairwaysolitaire.zendesk.com). I do not own this image.

When playing a hole, on the bottom right of your screen you will see an Iron Bag with Irons numbered 2-9, plus Midas Clubs. Irons, which are to simulate real golf irons, can be used any time to play a card up or down. Irons don't have a suit so you can use them in Challenges to your advantage. Irons can be useful when you have used up your draw pile and there are still cards left on the screen.

Midas Clubs[]

Main Article: Midas Clubs

Midas Clubs are special Irons that can be used as any card, including 10, J, Q, K, and A, where normal Irons cannot play as. They are yellow and have a purple star on them. However, Midas Clubs cannot be bought using Golf Bucks, and must be earned from other locations.


  • Irons are cheaper to buy before a course than during a course. Before you start a course, Irons always cost 33% off their regular price. In Tier 5, there is a Club perk that will add an extra 25% discount to the Iron prices, making them even cheaper.
    • You can also use this discount between holes- after completing a hole, you can go back to the menu screen, refill your Irons, and take on the next hole.
    • There is an Always Fill box next to the option to buy Irons- if you select that Irons will automatically be purchased every time you start a course unless there are no irons needed to purchase or you are out of Golf Bucks.
    • Occasionally there would be an Ad available to watch that will reward you with one free Iron.
    • The table below shows the costs:
Golf Buck Iron Costs Comparison
# of Irons missing Regular Price Discounted Price With 25% Discount
1 750 GB 500 GB 375 GB
2 1500 GB 1000 GB 750 GB
3 2250 GB 1500 GB 1125 GB
4 3000 GB 2000 GB 1500 GB
5 3750 GB 2500 GB 1875 GB
6 4500 GB 3000 GB 2250 GB
7 5250 GB 3500 GB 2625 GB
8 6000 GB 4000 GB 3000 GB
  • WIP