Fairway Solitaire Wiki

Frost is the fifth hazard present in the game. It first appears in Course 35 (Durian Resort). It is actually a recently added hazard, added into the game sometime in 2017 or 2018. With a new hazard, however, comes new strategies.

How to Clear[]


An image of the Frost Hazard. Taken from the Fairway Solitaire help page (fairwaysolitaire.zendesk.com). I do not own this image.

Frost is essentially a unique hazard as it is similar to Rough but still a different hazard. On a hole with the Frost hazard, there will be special cards on the board with a blue outline. These are Frost Cards, and ice will build up on them every time you use the Draw Pile. After ice forms on them 3 more times, the card will freeze over and you will have to match the suit of the card to break the ice. After the ice is broken, the card will become a normal card but the card will need another play to remove it.


  • Like Rough, if you break the ice on a Frost card and there are no cards left in the play pile, the draw pile will automatically dispense a card. However, the Frost cards will also gain an ice layer even with the automatic dispense.
  • If there are many Frost cards that have frozen over, you can use a Midas Club, then play a normal card, and use that card to break the ice. The Midas Club will appear back in your draw pile, ready to use again. Midas Clubs can also break Frost and clear the card in one play, similar to Rough.


  • Many Beach courses have Frost hazards, despite that beaches are usually warm.