Fairway Solitaire Wiki

Deep Rough is the sixth hazard present in the game. It first appears in Course 56 (Willowwack Woods).

How to Clear[]


A GIF of how to clear the Deep Rough Hazard. Taken from the Fairway Solitaire help page (fairwaysolitaire.zendesk.com). I do not own this image.

Deep Rough is essentially a trickier variant of the regular Rough. It is also similar to Frost. On a hole with the Deep Rough hazard, you will find cards that are almost completely covered in grass, with only the suit still viewable. These cards take three plays to remove. The first play of matching the suit will cut the top grass off it, revealing the card number. Then, the card acts like a normal Rough card- play the card twice to remove it off the board.


  • It is best to clear Deep Rough with cards in your play pile; if there are no cards in the play pile and you use the card to clear Rough the next card in your draw pile will automatically be dispensed.
  • Mulligans cannot be used when clearing Deep Rough; plan out how you are going to clear the Deep Rough wisely.
  • You can use a Midas Club to clear Deep Rough easily. Use a Midas Club, click a card, and then use that card to clear a Deep Rough piece. The Midas Club will be back in your play pile and you can select another card to clear Rough with. This can be extremely helpful in some courses with several Deep Rough cards.
  • Midas Clubs can clear Deep Rough in one shot.
  • When choosing between a Deep Rough card, a Rough card and a normal card, always choose the Deep Rough card even if the normal or Rough card will free up more cards.
