Fairway Solitaire Wiki

Challenge Cups are special rewards you can earn on every course. They are unlocked after Course 9 (Rookie Ridge), and every course you play- whether it's a Daily, Main, or Bonus Course will have a challenge you can try and beat. When you complete a Challenge on any course, you will earn a Challenge Medal and any amount between 1 and 4 Cups depending on the challenge's difficulty. Challenge Medals are required to Pro Star a course, and Challenge Cups are used to unlock new Bonus Courses. Every course's challenge is unique and with its own strategy!

It is best to not do challenges while earning Stars on the course- it is best to do challenges after the course is completed.

Challenge Types[]

There are many basic types of Challenges you will encounter the most:

  • Hit a Great Shot of n cards. (N= 14 to 22) This challenge's difficulty will depend on the course itself, and how many cards are open at one time.
  • Play n Black / Red cards in a row. (N= 7 to 14) Again, this challenge's difficulty will depend on the course itself. However, this will be more difficult than the regular Great Shot challenge since only half the cards are available to use.
  • Play n cards in a row without any Diamonds / Hearts / Spades / Clubs (N= 7 to 14) This challenge will limit you to three-fourth of all the total available cards.
  • Play a run from n1 to n2. This challenge's difficulty will depend on how many playable cards on one time.
  • Play a run from n1 to n2 and back to n1. Using Irons can help you beat this challenge.
  • Play 3 (A,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,J,Q,K) in one shot. Again, using Irons can help you beat this challenge.
  • Score par or under on a hole in less than n seconds. If played correctly, this challenge can be very easy. Complete 15 challenges of this type and you will get the Tick Tock Rock Star trophy!
  • Get n Perfect Scores. Occasionally, the amount of Perfect Scores required to beat the course will be the amount of holes on the course itself. This means many times you will need to perfect every hole on a course to earn the challenge, so unless you are going for Pro Stars do not attempt the challenge.
  • Play n cards that alternate Red and Black. (N=7 to 11) While not too difficult if many Irons are used, just make sure that when using Irons you will continue the alternating card streak correctly. If you make a mistake then you can use a Mulligan.
  • Finish the hole without drawing more than n cards in a row. (N=1 to 3). The difficulty will depend on how many cards are available to play on one time (revealed on the board).
  • Finish the course with n or fewer cards left. How many cards left to beat the challenge will depend on the course's length. Often if you should attempt this challenge you should also attempt the Perfect Medal since if you cannot leave a lot of cards left you will get a lower score (which is always better).